8 февраля в 16:00 в аудитории г-630 Шуваловского корпуса МГУ состоится лекция профессора Рональда Бенедиктера, политолога, уникального специалиста в области контекстного политического анализа.
Тема лекции: Integrative Area Development Policy: The Case of South Tyrol

Roland Benedikter, Prof. Dr. Dr. Dr.,
Co-Head, Center for Advanced Studies, Eurac Research, Autonomous Province of South Tyrol, Italy
Globalization as a tool of development has reached certain limits and is in crisis. There is widespread consensus among scholars and practitioners that the manners globalization has been proposed and distributed (culture), but also the ways it was systemically implemented (politics) and, most important of all, the methods of how it has been enacted on an applied practical level (policy) need reform.
The new approach of applied politics “Integrative Area Development Policy” is dedicated to better integrate global and local needs. It combines contextualization with interdisciplinarity and foresight, and it puts a special focus on the anticipation of challenges instead of just reacting to them. By relating Big Picture Analysis with the emerging fields of Contextual Politics and Imaginal Politics, it forges a more encompassing picture to allow “Precision Politics”. Precision Politics is the goal of Integrative Area Development Policy.
The results are integrative concepts such as Spatial Productivity and Interdisciplinary Anticipatory Strategy as answers to concrete needs. The Case of the Autonomous Province of South Tyrol in Northern Italy, a small trilingual territory of 550,000 people equipped with a far-reaching regional autonomy, located in the Central European Alps — in the midst between Switzerland, Austria and Italy — proves the potential of the method of Integrative Area Development Policy.
The lecture explains in accessible ways how the politics of area development are conceived in South Tyrol, and why as a result South Tyrol has become the wealthiest province of Italy. Among the points addressed is the attraction of talents as a decisive anticipatory aspect in the contemporary practices of the collaboration between authorities, business and society.