Dear Colleagues,
‘Global governance brings together diverse actors to coordinate collective action at the level of the planet. The goal of global governance, roughly defined, is to provide global public goods, particularly peace and security, justice and mediation systems for conflict, functioning markets, and unified standards for trade and industry. Although issues in relation to global governance have increasingly been considered as important, particularly with the role of the United Nations since 1945, global governance is ‘fragmented, complex and little understood.
In that context, an online conference titled “Global Governance: Historical Developments and Current Perspectives” will be co-hosted on Tuesday and Wednesday, 24th and 25th May 2022 by:
- Faculty of Political Science, Lomonosov Moscow University (Russia)
- School of International Law, China University of Political Science and Law (China)
- Jindal Global Law School, O.P. Jindal Global University (India)
- School of Law, Vietnam National University Hanoi (Vietnam)
The themes of the conference will include:
- Global governance: Concepts, history, and developments. Global governance and the emergence of global institutions for the 21st Century.
- Global governance models and mechanisms in history.
- Global challenges and global governance reforms in the world.
- The role and co-operations of international organizations and other international/regional/national actors in global governance.
- Legitimacy (sociological and normative) in global governance.
- Global identity and global values and their influence on global processes.
- Global governance and human rights
- Global governance and open governance.
- International law, global constitutionalism, global administrative law.
We are inviting scholars and practitioners working in this area to submit papers that would fit within the broad themes of the conference.
The conference will take place online via the Zoom Meetings platform and will be hosted by the School of Law at Vietnam National University Hanoi. Zoom’s link and ID: To be notified via the participant’s emails submitted to the registration form.
Language: English (with simultaneous English-Vietnamese interpretation)
Submission of abstracts (in English):
Authors should submit a 200-word to 250-word abstract, which includes a title of the proposed paper and the author’s short biographical details (including name, email, academic appointment, affiliations).
Abstracts are to be submitted by 15 March 2022 via this link: Notification of the result will be sent to you via email by 25 March 2022. If you have difficulties in submitting this form, please email:
Submission of draft papers and presentations
Draft papers (approx. 1000-2000 words) and Powerpoint presentations (in English) are encouraged to be submitted prior to the conference, as it would be very useful for the moderators, discussants, and participants to read papers in advance in order to have in-depth questions, comments, and feedback. Under an agreement with authors, submitted papers will be uploaded to the conference website.
Please submit draft papers and Powerpoint presentations (if available) to by 15th May 2022 to be included on the website prior to the conference.
Submission of full finalized papers (in English) for publication
After peer review, selected papers will be published in one of the two following outlets:
International journals:
Selected papers (by invitation) will be published in:
— A Special Issue, published in October 2022, of the Russian Political Science journal (signed in to the database of the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)):
— VNU Journal of Science — Legal Studies (recognised as one of prestigious Vietnamese law journals, open access, also available in HeinOnline): ; a published issue in English (for reference)
Conference proceedings book
After peer review, selected papers will be published in the conference proceedings book (with ISBN, by a Vietnamese publisher), under agreement with authors. The conference proceedings book will not be published for commercial purposes.
To be included in the conference proceedings book, full finalized papers (preferably 4000 – 6000 words, inclusive of footnotes) are to be submitted by 25th June 2022 to (cc:
To facilitate the editing process, we would appreciate it if you could adhere to the submission deadline and follow the specifications below in preparing your conference paper.
- Paper Title, Author’s Title and Name, University/Organisation, and Email Address
- Abstract (200-250 words); 3-6 keywords; A list of references at the end.
- Length: no more than 8000 words, inclusive of footnotes (4000 to 6000-word papers are preferred)
- Referencing standard: Oxford Standard for the Citation of Legal Authorities (OSCOLA):
- Font: Times New Roman, size 12
- Microsoft Word Document Format (.doc or .docx)
Conference attendance is free, however, registration is essential (for both authors and participants without papers). Guidelines for conference attendance and further information will be sent to you via email and provided on the conference website.
Please register your participation by 20 May 2022 via this link:
Successful registration will be confirmed shortly thereafter. If you have any technical difficulties when submitting this form, please email
Conference website:
Please direct queries about the conference to the Conference Secretariat via: (cc: And if you have specific queries for one of the co-organizers, please contact:
- Dr. Intigam Mamedov, at, for the Faculty of Political Science, Lomonosov Moscow University
- Prof. Lijiang Zhu, at, for the School of International Law, China University of Political Science and Law
- Prof. Raphael Pangalangan, at, for the Jindal Global Law School, O.P. Jindal Global University
- Dr. Bui Tien Dat, at, for the School of Law, Vietnam National University Hanoi

Информационную и публикационную поддержку конференции оказывают журнал «Русская политология» и VNU Journal of Science — Legal Studies.