The Political Regimes: How to Study Contemporary Politics / Lecture by Kirill Telin

The Political Regimes: How to Study Contemporary Politics / Lecture by Kirill Telin

  • Date & Time:
    • Сентябрь 10 - Март 14, 2025
    • 17:00
  • Место проведения
    • Online / Zoom

On September 10, 2021 at 5:00 p.m. Associate Professor of the Faculty of Political Science Kirill Telin will give a lecture on «The Political Regimes: How to Study Contemporary Politics».

The lecture focuses on explanation why the study of politics for many people still seems to be demagogic or even needless, and why such a view is not just a misconception, but a dangerous myth that allows various political forces to initiate and carries out large-scale changes without necessary interaction with society and citizens.

The lecture deals with the concept of «political regime,» the existing approaches and findings on analysis and classification — as well as various assessments of the potential transformations of the modern state and the corresponding challenges and threats.

The lecture will be held in an online mode. Use the following link to join:

Meeting ID: 961 4476 0939
Passcode: 123000

See also relevant information for international students on (in Russian) (in English)

Kirill Telin, Associate Professor of the Faculty of Political Science

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2025-9-10 17:00 2025-3-14 Europe/London The Political Regimes: How to Study Contemporary Politics / Lecture by Kirill Telin Online / Zoom
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